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ATic ATac
S2 licensed

It was one of those programs to free ram memory (winmem or something like that). Removed it, rebooted and working fine
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :Did anyone of you e-mail writers ever asked the devs if they want something like that? Else it's just a waste of time.

We could have had Mondello Park but they don't wanted it ( but say they might consider the offer in the future)

So imo they don't want something like that right now or only under very very special circumstances like BF1/Intel/Aston deal.

No, i didn´t email the devs. But in the mail i wrote to the circuit i clearly said that i was writing on a personal basis and not linked nor representing them in any way.

It´s just a pre-approach. If there is any interest from Ascari, i will tell de dev´s to see if they share it. If i got no reply (most probable answer) they won´t even have to lose their time, and nothing will be lost
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :Don't wanna spoil the hopes, but I doubt it will get a positive answer, or even an answer at all.

It's just that Ascari would gain literally nothing from from the exposure in Lfs: They want to attract a target group of supercar owners who can afford a fee over 100.000 pounds to race on the curcuit.
Allthough I don't know the demographics of the LfS Users, I highly doubt that a lot of that said target group are present in the LfS community.
Now, it would certainly not be negative for Ascari's reputation if they would be in LfS, but it also wouldn't have any merits for them, as they are obviously not after a high perception in the mass market. With so much money involved, they could certainly spend a lot on commercials and PR if they wanted to be widely known.
But I guess Ascari is happy to be the little secret hideout for the super rich people.

You are right for the most part, but don´t forget they also have a driving school which, beeing expensive, is on the target of many fans and companies. (something like 3.000 € per weekend if i remember well).

Anyway what i have done in my mail is basically telling how much we admire the circuit and that it should be great for us to enjoy it virtually, even if we can´t pay for it.

The owner is a great fan of motorsport and i´ve just tried to show them we share his passion, apart from beeing a good publicity for them. Even super-millionaries have hearths

I agree that we won´t get answer, but it took me 10 minutes to write the mail while i´ve been enjoying this game for years, so it´s no big deal at all.
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Somehow I started realising...
if we don't do the research whether a factory wants their car in LFS or not, nobody will....

somehow names like Pagani Zonda, Ariel Atom, Koenigsegg CCX, Gumpert Apollo came to my mind

If we could see the Atom and the Zonda in the game i would piss mi pants
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Job done guys!

I found the card and sent a mail to the sales manager (Javier Conesa) to see if they would be interested in having their circuit and car´s included in the game.

Let´s see what happens
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I don't know about that, we don't really want to spam the guy, that'd just make him block all of our email addresses

They only need to be told that LFS exists and that we'd all like to see more content for it. If they're interested they'll check it out, if they're not we don't want to bug them about it.

Lol, yup.

Anyway, i will look for the card tomorrow at work or i can even call them asking about events for companies.

I´ll keep you informed, even if i am pretty sure we won´t get answer
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :If you can get them to send me a free KZ1 then even better

Anyway, if i found the email we would even send several messages from different users to make it more interesting
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Fine then, I did

Watch as they ignore me for a second time (the first email is dated 13th December 2006!)

I live quite close to that circuit and last year i tried to get in and take a look around. The guard was really kind, and told me it was impossible at that moment because there were some famous guys around, but he gave me the card of the sales manager.

I´ll try to find the card and email him personally. Maybe i will have some luck or at least and educated "NO!"
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
If you wanna take a look:

It´s a 5th gear test of the ascari kz1 at the ascari circuit
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :Do you have MSN or anything like that running? I found that my momo pedals did that when I left MSN running and someone sent something.

I´ve some programs running, like steam, emule and a memory cleaner. I will try to stop all of them and post the result.

Thx for the tip.
Include Ascari circuit in the game
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
I know that LFS don´t include real tracks due to the cost of buying licences, but there is a special circuit which could be considered by de devs due to it´s special condicions.

It´s the Ascari racing resort speed track. It´s a private circuit made for millionaries at the south of Spain. The design is the combination of the most famous corners of different circuits and its not open for competition, only for private use. Becoming a member costs more than 120.000 € (if i remember well)

As it´s a private circuit, may be not that hard to get the rights to include it.

I´ve talked to people who has been driving there in the school academy and everyone agrees that it´s awesome.

If the devs are not interested, future modders be aware


Sorry, i´ve just seen a post of "tracks you want to see in LFS". I don´t get much in this forum and didn´t notice before posting
Last edited by ATic ATac, .
g25 losing calibration while in-game
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Hi guys.

I have a weird problem with my g25 wheel. It has been working perfectly for months in combination with "joytokey" to remap some buttons.

But for the last days, i enter a race as usual and after 4-5 minutes it looses its calibration.

Accelerator and brake keep pushed exactly at the middle and don´t respond. The clucht works fine, but the steering feels like it only had 100º of lock.

I´ve tried reinstalling both logitech software and LFS, and i´ve cheched connection´s and all looks fine. Also, i have disbled "joytokey" but without any result.

Any ideas?

I hace not finished a single race in the last week and i am feeling like a heroin addict ... i need help!
Racing against AI with uneven cars
ATic ATac
S2 licensed

I must be offline for a while and i am trying to get some fun racing against the IA cars.

Problem is, as you know, that they are pretty useless. So i am trying to have some fun by racing them using a less powerful car (UF GTR vs XF GTR, for example), but it´s not that easy to find a good combo of track and cars.

¿Any suggestions about combos of cars that can make an even match racing against the IA?
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from jamvib :You can even use a free 56k connection. You just need a land line and a crappy modem, prize as a Local call rate (lormal local telephone call). Telefonicanet must have dial-up free connections.


Mmmmhhhh....... that´s a good idea. It has been so long without using modem that i just forgot it existed

I also got a pda with phone. I will look around and see if i can stablish a conection with the gprs network.

Thx for the feed back guys
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :You cannot unlock LFS offline. Seems like you'll somehow get your PC to an internet connection, if the other way round is not possible

Thx androidxp

Now i am regreting not having a notebook

On the plus side i also have problems with my steam account offline so i can fix both things in one travel
Unlocking while offline
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Hi guys.

I am currently without internet connection at home. A few days ago i saw the upgrade to patch V and downloaded it at work.

After installing it it asks me to unlock the game, but beeing offline i just can´t do it.

So i have the option of taking the computer to the office and unlocking there (but its a server case that weights a LOT :schwitz, but if anyone knows any solution to unlock the game offline should be a lot better.

ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from abz1 :The lfscript contains mainly scawens examples, the zip file contains a f9-f12 script scroller, a script which allows you to adjust the fuel using the wheel and adjust the arb values. All of these are included in the zip file.

All you need to do is extract the files into your "lfs\data\scripts\" folder and then goto lfs... options... control then text keys and assign your wheel button.

Once you get a look at the actual files you'll realise how easy it is.

Hope this helps.

Thx. That can be very useful in when the final version arrives
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :

searched: "bind"

I have seen lots of talk about the "logitech profiler", but i dont have a logithec wheel.

In one of those posts talk about a program called joy2key.exe, i will give it a try.

Thx for the help.
Binding F9-F12 to the wheel
ATic ATac
S2 licensed
Hi everyone.

After reading and looking around a lot, i havent found a way to bind F9 and F10 to my wheel (which is a crappy bit of plastic btw)

I like cheking tyre temp and damage often and i am making lots of mistakes mainly when driving the fastest cars, where you dont have much time to relax and look.

Any help would be appreciated